Bags, jewelry and clothes are always indispensable for girls. Every time they go shopping, they always notice them inadvertently. Different seasons need different bags to match, and different clothes also need suitable bags to set off. This handbag has only one color of black, which is simply the savior of difficult choices. Very intellectual colors, simple shapes, full of French romance. Usually, the matching clothes are quite diversified, and there will be many clothes suitable for summer, which is a versatile model. The texture is PU synthetic leather, but there is no lack of advanced feeling, especially the fine-grained chain and portable design. The details are all ck semi-circular colored stone buckle decorative bags.
This bag is relatively small, not many people know it, but it is still worth recommending to everyone. Because it is really suitable for autumn and winter. The design is full of sense, the exquisite metal handle is the most brilliant place, and the most attractive thing is the design of closed magnetic buckle, which adopts a semi-circular design with colored stones on it, which is very beautiful. There are three colors: black, smoked rose powder and mustard milk green, and each color is beautiful to my heart. And bags of different colors have colored stones of different colors. The material of artificial leather is soft to the touch, with 8 slots inside, which is both beautiful and practical. Wear intellectual tenderness in winter and fresh energy in summer. It's beautiful, CK. Plush-faced hand-picked shoulder handbag.
This bag is a special one of CK handbags, because it is covered with plush and because of the material, it is only suitable for wearing in cold winter, not suitable for spring and summer. The lock is safer, the shoulder strap is detachable, and the whole bag feels soft, only the shoulder strap is leather. There are three colors to choose from: beige, caramel and dark green. Handbags are very casual. Just wear some everyday clothes, such as simple jeans and plush bags, which are completely suitable and fashionable to go shopping. And when the weather is cold, the more I like fluffy things, the more warm they look.