1993 February 28, the sun, the moon, mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto in what constellation?

Sun: Aquarius; -26.8.

Moon: Aries-Taurus; -9. 1 to -9.7; Phase: 30.6-40. 1%.

Mercury: Pisces (just entered); 1.0- 1.3 stars, etc.; Phase: 2 1.0- 17.2%.

Venus: Pisces; -4.6; Phase: 23.9%.

Mars: Gemini; -0. 1 magnitude; Phase: 92.7%.

Jupiter: Virgo; -2.4 magnitude; Phase: 99.8%.

Saturn: Capricorn (coming out soon); 0.8 magnitude; Phase: 100%.

Uranus: Sagittarius; 5.8; Phase: 100%.

Neptune: Sagittarius; 8.0 magnitude; Phase: 100%.

Pluto: Libra; 13.7 magnitude; Phase: 100%.