The 20 movies with the most unexpected endings are Fight Club, Fog, Psychological Game, The Sixth Sense, Butterfly Effect, Saw, Match Point, Mulholland Road, The Common Suspect, The Magician, Cry Out in a Lonely Island, The Master Key, The Sketch, and.
12 constellation Aries enters the inner world of girls, Taurus under the green forest tree, Gemini who first fell in love for 50 times, dancer of dark cancer, story of Leo in the office, pride and prejudice, beautiful legend of Sicilian Libra, love of Scorpio in Budapest, dancer in the dark, shooter, etc.
Ten movies that men must watch: Forrest Gump (Persistence), Dong Fangbubai (Talent), American Past (Life), Roman Holiday (Love), Brave Heart (Courage), Schindler's List (Responsibility), The Shawshank Redemption (Faith) and E.T.
10 The multiple personality disorder in the classic film Identity is a must-see for psychological lovers; Gosika's criminal psychology; Dual personality in American psychiatry: piano teacher is a pervert; Paranoid schizophrenia in A Beautiful Mind: Memory loss of souvenirs; The psychological distortion of Blue Velvet; Autism in Rain Man: Instinct, and violence; The abnormal psychology of the silent lamb ...
The most admirable British pronunciation movies are If I Can Love Again, Growing Education, Falling in Love with You through Time and Space, Reading aloud of Life and Death, Trainspotting, Harry Potter, The Queen, Love Actually, Love Holiday, Notting Hill, Kiss of True Love, Pride and Prejudice, and The English Proud.
Good movies missed because of bad names, such as Three Silly Bollywood, Stimulation 1995, Fight Club, Robot Story, Killing Bill, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Midnight Cowboy, Onion Movie, Butterfly Effect, Notting Hill, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.