On the moon, you can see wealth officials killing printed food. If you kill, you must kill first. When you are strong or weak, you should kill it with money. Wealth killing is a pleasure. When the body is weak and prosperous, it is made of wood. Killing seals is stronger, followed by killing food gods or killing officials. This is a spiritual essence of the eight characters and a noble temperament.
When the eight-character original game is not killed, it is also a good eight-character to show the official, that is, the first friend, the official sees the wealth first, and the financial official is in the afterlife. It is the primitive god of the financial officer. If an official has no money, he can. I didn't see it. If the official is empty, it is just a name. He has no power, the most common thing is to work in a government department, a civil servant in a small country. Powerful officials must be officials.
The eight-character killing depends entirely on the god of wealth and the god of food, who have made their wealth, and they are also the richest people in the world. No one has no money at the door of wealth. The god of food likes to gather wealth, and wealth falls from the sky. When you are in the spring breeze, you must be a great entrepreneur. Not when you see the money. I didn't see it. That's just a man who earns a dead salary. They don't have my mind to make money. Generally, I work in a company to make money, but when I see money, I kill an official. Those who only want to make money rely on energy and money.
When the eight characters are printed, they are generally educational places, teaching and literature. I am indifferent to positive printing and good at literature. Andrew was also given to me by God. Defending official killings will not stop me. Yin is happy and powerful. I am honest, understand etiquette knowledge and have a sense of responsibility. Noble people help, old people cherish. If you are afraid of making money, those who have been rich and busy all their lives will break it.
The god of food is a person's blessing and a person's life. God loves wealth. The richer a person is, the more lasting his wealth will be. There are eight-character gourmets who like to watch the official killing, and the official killing of gourmets does not rob money. The role of the god of food is to gather wealth and make officials kill. If you have money, you will get rich; if you have no money, you will be an official. It is not easy for a god of food to make people kill. Seeing wealth is a curse, and seeing wealth is bound to be a curse.
No matter which house the four demons are in, the information shows a bad information content, but this information content is still very significant for the general horoscope, unless restrained, do not hurt yourself. Killing owls and robbing grandparents, parents and brothers live in Japan after marriage, and children live in. It is necessary to help evil spirits, but it is too late. If there are too many good products, they will not be too good, and the loss will outweigh the gain.
Gather six relatives. It is very important to define eight characters and six parents. Let's talk about my father's wealth first. When there is positive wealth in the eight-character year, then this is the position where the father sits opposite and looks directly at the positive wealth in the year as a father. Na Yue's real wealth is what his father didn't see in the first month, so he can see through it first. When the fortune of eight characters is impenetrable, it is the first choice to find twelve years and months. When the eight-character positive wealth can't be seen, look at the partial wealth again. If there is a star god, look at the stars first. If Zhengcai can't see partial wealth, it can be regarded as the father, and so on. I can't see any p, but you can.
Look at the year. Time is the image that leads to things. When something happens, it is the age to take pictures. The Universiade is directly related to the year. Good luck and good years are also manifested in XiShen, that is, the career is prosperous and everything goes well. Geely's year is not so good, it will be a normal year, and it is not easy for anything big to happen. Lucky years and unlucky years, this is only the average age. Bad luck and bad years can lead to disaster. Close down if you are sick; If you get sick, you will die. As for what it is, it depends on what the years have done. It seems that things are similar to the punishment of the eight-character destiny. This is the view that words touch words. It is a matter for parents, which will soon touch the fate of the eight characters with the years. This is a matter for brothers and sisters or parents of the month, immediate family members in Japanese marriage and Japanese children.