Are all the 88 constellations in the Milky Way?

The most famous of the 88 constellations is the zodiac, which represents our time. Eighty-eight constellations are ancient people who connected the stars in the sky by imagination in order to facilitate navigation and observe the astronomical phenomena. So are all the 88 constellations in the Milky Way? Come and explore with me!

In ancient times, in order to facilitate navigation and observe astronomical phenomena, people connected the scattered stars in the sky through imagination. Half of them were named in ancient times, and their naming methods include myths and epics of Mesopotamia, Babylon, Egypt and Greece. The other half (mostly in the night sky in the southern hemisphere) was named only in modern times, and is often named after navigation instruments.

In ancient times, because of different regions, the way to see the starry sky was different! Now the world divides the sky into 88 regions and 88 constellations according to the constellation map.

The 88 constellations divide the celestial sphere into 88 regions, and all visible celestial bodies are basically in the Milky Way. In modern astronomy, the meaning of 88 constellations is only to divide the whole celestial sphere into 88, so according to this definition, everything you can see is here, not just the Milky Way. Specific to the visible stars in constellation 88, then they are in the Milky Way.