Belle Belle's shoes are not noble, but the leather and workmanship are exquisite and the quality is reassuring. Most of the shoes produced are genuine leather, even if the fabric is specially treated, Lippi must be genuine leather. Because it is a Hong Kong brand, it still makes great efforts in fashion under the condition of acceptable quality, and pursues to show the inner and outer perfect temperament of women in ever-changing fashion. So for a long time, Belle Belle was among the best in the domestic women's shoes sales market.
In addition to Belle, Belle now has Tata, teenmix, Scarlato, Senda and other brands. There are dozens of brands under its banner, and in operation, acquisition is a booster for its accelerated growth. With the help of capital, Belle's comprehensive strength has also been greatly enhanced.
In particular, the brand acquired by Belle has created a tight business chain. As soon as you enter the shopping mall, you can see that Belle Group holds up half the sky. Belle is an old brand, but there are not many advertisements. It is entirely based on the reputation of many years of operation, and the quality of shoes is really good. It is also the second brand of women's shoes in China.