Aries constellation
In Greek mythology, the flying sheep had golden hair, which made the god Hermes send it to rescue the prince Frixos and Heller who were abused by their stepmother. While flying across the sea, Heller failed to catch the wool of the flying sheep and fell into the sea and died. When his brother arrived safely, he slaughtered the flying sheep and gave it to God to thank him. This is a small constellation on the ecliptic, but its three brightest stars α, β and γ are very bright even when the environment is polluted by light.
Observation: (Telescope) Aries gamma star: 1664 British scientist robert hooke confirmed that it is a binary star, which is one of the earliest confirmed binary stars after the arrival of the telescope era. Both sub-stars are white, with the same brightness (+4.5, etc. ) and 7.8 arc seconds.
(binoculars, binoculars) Aries λ star: This binary star can be observed with high-powered binoculars mounted on a tripod, and its two sub-stars have brightness of +5 and +7.5 respectively.
(Telescope) ngc 772: This is the brightest galaxy in Aries. It can be observed with a 6-inch (15cm) telescope in the dark night. According to Hubble classification system, this is a typical rod spiral galaxy.