Photos of leopard cats in the tropical rain forest. Please show me pictures of him eating.

Leopard cat (scientific name: Prionailurus bengalensis): It is a cat from Asia. Leopard cats are similar in size to domestic cats, but there are great differences between subspecies. For example, Indonesian subspecies have an average body length of 45 cm and a tail length of 20 cm, while Siberian subspecies have an average body length of 60 cm and a tail length of 40 cm. Leopard cats also have many colors: the leopard cats in the south are yellow, and those in the north are silver gray. The chest and abdomen are white. Leopard cats usually have black spots.

Leopard cats are Nocturnal Animals and usually feed on rodents, birds, fish, reptiles and small mammals. Except for mating season, they are usually alone.