If you say the time is 9 1 May 13 in Gregorian calendar, the constellation distribution is as follows:
Rising Gemini, Sun Taurus, Moon Taurus, Mercury Aries, Venus Cancer, Mars Cancer, Jupiter Leo, Saturn Aquarius, Uranus Capricorn, Pluto Scorpio, Neptune Capricorn.
If you say that the time is May of the lunar calendar 13, corresponding to June 24th of the solar calendar, the constellation distribution is as follows:
Rising Leo, Sun Cancer, Moon Scorpio, Mercury Cancer, Venus Leo, Mars Leo, Jupiter Leo, Saturn Aquarius, Uranus Capricorn, Pluto Scorpio, Neptune Capricorn.
No matter which day they were born, they are good-looking and love to laugh, but they are a little cheerful and depressed. The former is more introverted than the latter.