Sun Virgo Rising Gemini Moon Scorpio Venus Scorpio

The sun is in Virgo-a perfectionist who thinks little.

Personality characteristics:

Careful, analytical, neat and picky.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. A thoughtful absolute perfectionist

2. Pay too much attention to details and lack creativity.

The sun represents self, external image, external and life energy. People with the sun in Virgo are thoughtful, analytical and patient, which is very suitable for complicated and meticulous work. You demand perfection in everything, but sometimes you put too much pressure on yourself and others.

The moon is in Scorpio-a walker who will carry out his will to the end.

Personality characteristics:

Jealousy, strong willpower, revenge, desire

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Possessive, jealous, and clear about love and hate. When hatred reaches the extreme, revenge will arise.

2. Emotional ups and downs, strong reaction and great ambition.

Born on the moon, people who appear in Scorpio give the strongest impression of ambition, desire, competition and revenge. People who are close to Scorpio often find that Scorpio is full of interest in anything new and beautiful, and will have a desire for possession. Once the desire arises, Scorpio will do whatever it takes to achieve its goal. This ambitious and executive personality will greatly help Scorpio get promoted at work. As long as you set a goal, you will keep climbing regardless of the cost and time, so Scorpio tends to be a workaholic.

Venus is located in Scorpio-a wild person who dares to love and hate.

Personality characteristics:

Sexual charm, strong sexual desire, dare to love and hate, possessive.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Sexy and charming, with strong feelings and clear love and hate.

2. Have a tendency to indulge in sexual desire and are interested in metaphysics and mysticism.

Scorpio people with Venus have strong feelings and are full of primitive sexual charm. You dare to love and hate, possessive, and often put too much pressure on each other. Strong sexual desire, there is the possibility of indulgence. I like works of art with strong style and am interested in mysticism.

The rising constellation is Gemini-a talented and sharp-edged baby.

Personality characteristics:

Smart, witty, expressive and good at traveling.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Good psychological ability and excellent expression ability.

2. Sensitive to business opportunities, saving habits, creativity and self-motivation.

Ascending constellation dominates a person's main personality characteristics, innate personality and first impression. The rising constellation is Gemini, and people have good mental ability; With many ideas, many creativity and outstanding expression skills, you will always be the best group in the group.