Noble sign: Capricorn, because it can help Pisces people plan professionally and guide each other.
Lucky direction: north, east.
Ruler: Neptune (symbol of high fantasy)
Lucky colors: various shades of mint.
Lucky land: a place with springs or water sources.
Lucky flowers: goldfish flower, colorful sparrow flower, velvet flower, tulip, Clivia, Alice, perfume lily, etc.
Lucky constellation gems: blood stone, aquamarine, white crystal, amethyst, opal.
Lucky one: At the end of the month, on the beach and on a beautiful moonlit night, your intuition is particularly keen. Meditate in a dark room after drinking jasmine tea, and good ideas will appear. Silver anklets and pearl rings can bring good luck.
water bottle
Ruler: Uranus (symbolizing wisdom and variables)
Patron saint: Greece-Uranus-Rome-Uranus.
Aquarius constellation
Lucky color: orange Lucky number: 1 Lucky thing: plastic canopy
Lucky color: silver lucky number: 2 lucky thing: napkin cloth
Lucky stone: red garnet
Lucky numbers: 4, 8
Jiri: Worship three times.
Lucky places: busy places and big cities
Lucky color: blue-green with cyan.