Zhu Yuanzhang and Xu Da are little brothers and have a good relationship. But when Xu Da held the relieving and made great contributions, Zhu Yuanzhang did have doubts. The Ming Dynasty was founded by Li Shanchang of Korea, Xu Da of Wei, Changmao of Zheng, Cao, Song and Deng Yu of Wei. Zhang Mao is Zhang Yuchun's son. Chang Yuchun died in the Northern Expedition, and Zhu Yuanzhang made his son a Lord protector. According to the credit, Xu Da should be the first, but all previous dynasties have the tradition of civilian first, so Li Shanchang is the first and Xu Da is the second.
Wang Zizhong, Li Shanchang and Sheng Feng were killed and their titles were stripped. Zhang Mao was exiled, and the title of Deng Yu passed to his son. The son involved in the Li Shanchang case was killed, but the title was not handed down. Li Wenzhong's title passed to his son Li Jinglong, that is, Cao Guogong, and he passed Judy's throne to his good friend Zhu Yunwen. After Judy ascended the throne, she was impeached and deprived of her title, so only Xu Da's title was handed down, and a brilliant duke system was handed down between the two countries.
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