How do you spell the English words of twelve constellations? And the English words of the twelve gods of Olympus!

Capricorn (12/22-119) Capricorn

Aquarius (1/20-2/ 18)

Pisces (2/ 19-3/20)

Aries: Aries

Taurus (4/2 1-5/20)


Cancer (June 22-July 22)


Virgo: Virgo


Scorpio (10/23-11/21) Scorpio

Shooter (11/22-12/21) shooter

1: Zeus Zeus

2: Hera Hera

3: Poseidon

4.Aphrodite, Aphrodite

5: Ares

6: Athena Athena

7: Apollo Apollo

8: themis Al themis

9: hephaestus

Hermes Hermes

1 1: hades

12: Mitte, milt