1, tulip.
First, prepare two pieces of colored paper. First, fold the pink colored paper in half, fold it into a square along the crease, fold it at both sides, fold the bottom corner, cut off the bottom, unfold the origami, fold the green colored paper obliquely, fold it at both sides, fold it at the bottom, fold it as a whole, then open it, and insert the folded origami into the hole, and the tulip origami is finished!
2, pineapple.
Prepare a square colored paper, fold it twice along the oblique angle, aim at the center point and fold it inward, fold two corners, fold the other two corners slightly, fix the sharp corners, prepare green colored paper, fold it and stick it on the pineapple, draw diagonal lattice texture on the pineapple with a pencil, and draw circles in each lattice, and the simple paper pineapple will be folded!
3. strawberries.
Prepare a square colored paper, fold it diagonally, open it, fold the lower left corner inward and outward once, fold it up and down, fold it left and right along the center line, press it into a square according to the crease, press in the front and back sides, fold the front triangle down, fold the two corners to both sides, fold the back triangle down, and draw black spots on the front with a pen, and the strawberry will be folded.
4. Spiders.
First, the square paper is folded into a small square, and the four corners that are stacked together are pressed down to form a triangle. Then, the two corners on both sides in each plane are symmetrically folded in half along the midline, and the four sharp corners with closed bottom are folded in half up and down once. Finally, fold the top corner back, then draw eyes and fold the spider.
5. boats.
First, prepare a square piece of colored paper, fold it in half along the center line, then fold it in half on both sides, open two small squares, then fold the whole up and down along the center line, fold the sharp corners on both sides, then open it along the crease line, and finally turn the paper over to complete the boat folding!
6. Table.
Prepare a piece of colored paper, fold it up and down, left and right along the center line, and fold it into a square. Open the surface of the square and fold it into four small squares. Fold the surface of the small square down, open it and fold it into a diamond, the two sides of the diamond are folded inward, and then the four sharp corners are folded inward, and a table is folded.