Scorpio and tiger live a noisy and floating life, full of adventure and change everywhere. If there is no change, they will turn to drinking or taking drugs. They don't always change partners. Scorpio Xiao Hu is a loyal lover, but likes to change scenes, habits, or move the surrounding furniture. He can settle down when he meets someone who can keep up with this changeable life. He is extremely sexy and childish.
An object suitable for coexistence
You are suitable to live with Ma Xiao or Xiao Gou of Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn or Pisces. Pisces in Laban Xiao will bring glory to your life. On the contrary, Xiao Yang's Aries, Taurus or Aquarius or Xiao Yang's Taurus of snakes, monkeys and pigs brings pain. You will have an argument with Xiao Hu's Gemini and a money dispute with calf's Aquarius.