Nationality: Why Americans are famous: Hogg survived the mass shooting at Marjory Storman Douglas High School in Florida on February 4, 20 18, and 17 people were killed in that shooting. After that, Hogg rose. The shooting incident triggered a national debate on gun control in the United States. Hogg and other students in the school became famous activists, campaigning for the revision of the gun law. Shortly after the shooting, Hogg and others set up the organization "Never Again MSD". Because of Hogg's radicalism, his goals are conspiracy theories and accusations from right-wingers.
Birth: April 2000 12 Birthplace: Paklin, Florida, USA: 19 years old "KDSP" and "KDSP" Generation: Dragon constellation: Aries "KDSP" In Twitter, famous writer Anne Frank KDSIMG3 Allen Patton "KDSIMG4" Anne Frank "KDSIMG5".