Buy a laptop: Lenovo G450AT4300 or Lenovo G450A-TFO(S) (Constellation Edition), which is better?

The configuration of these two models is the same. The specific model G450AT4300 is G450ATFO(H), and the difference with (S) is only the appearance. The latter is a constellation version, which is estimated to be out of stock. They were almost released in 1 1 month. If LZ is used, it will be sufficient and cost-effective. I bought 4000 instead of the constellation version. I don't know now. It has been used for several months and no shortcomings have been found. It feels good, and the heat dissipation is good, but it's a little heavy, but it doesn't matter. I don't hold it all day. If I want to buy it, I will release G460 as soon as possible, but it is not necessary for our bureau to buy this. The CPU is strong, but the graphics card is still weak. Daniel pulled the car. In fact, as long as there are enough notebooks, updating is also a waste.