Legend of Cancer: When Hercules, the illegitimate child of Zeus, confronted Lehrner's hydra, Hera, the sworn enemy of Heracles, sent Cancer out of the swamp and secretly attacked Heracles' feet. Hercules trampled it to pieces in a rage. Afterwards, Hera picked it up and rose to the sky, becoming a cancer.
Observation characteristics
Cancer is one of the darkest constellations, and the brightest star in the constellation is only 3.5. In cities with serious light pollution, it is difficult to see cancer directly with naked eyes, but its location can be determined by other bright stars around. To the east of Cancer is the head of Leo, to the northwest are the bright stars of Gemini, Beihe II and Beihe III, and to the southwest are the bright stars of Canine, Nanhe III. The area between these bright stars is Cancer.