1977 what is the constellation of the fourth day of the fifth lunar month?

The birthday of the Gregorian calendar is June 20th.

You are a Gemini!

Mascot: triangle

Lucky numbers: 3, 4, 6, 7

Lucky colors: silver, black and gray.

Birthstone: Pearl

Lucky stones: pearls and agates.

Guardian Stone: Pearl

Auspicious metals: platinum and mercury

Auspicious flower: blue bell flower

Lucky hobbies: indoor entertainment, collection and travel.

Lucky location: coastal cities

Lucky places: bookstores, libraries, theaters.

Lucky direction: east-northeast

Gemini lovers: playboy, humor

Like: playing, thinking.

Weakness: lack of patience

Livable countries: USA, Belgium, Greece, North Africa, Sardinia.

Suitable living conditions: air circulation, few but fine furniture. Patron saint: Hermes

Constellations are amazing and entertaining.