... students have no time to sleep, although students always have time to surf the Internet ... —— Belz.
A good boy with a tattooed lip ring and a pink rabbit is not gay.
Name: Belz.
Date of birth: 1987-05- 10
Constellation: Taurus
Gender: male
Height:165cm ~ 5ft 4in
Weight: 55 kg
Eye color: gray
Hair color: black
Place of residence: Riga, Latvia
Education: sppa starptautisk ā praktiskā s psi holo? Ijas Augstskola-rga, rga, Latvia (2006-present)
Occupation: star. Psychologist [bright future]
Interests: Birdman and 12-year-old boy.
Favorite movies: Jacob's Ladder 1990, Stay (Stay 2005), Machinist (Machinist 2004).
Favorite band or musician: Patrick Wolf (Patrick Wolf)
Favorite music style: Latvian folk music
Favorite artist: Raz Muffin
Favorite poet or writer: Chuck Palahniuk (Chuck Palahniuk)
Favorite photographer: anton corbijn (Anton Kovan)
Favorite cartoon character: Rocko's modern life.
Sexual orientation: bisexual
Smoking: Sometimes.
Personal quotation: I have no VF account, no personal (BELLZ) Myspace \ Flickr, no h5, no msn or ICQ or other SH * T.
Personal opinion: You will love me, I promise. ? Michael Alig (Party Monster)
Belz's wife: a girl with bright red hair. Her name is Margaret.