What does Renyin Liu Nian hexagram mean?

Renyin Liu Nian Gua is a kind of hexagram image calculated according to the arrangement order of sixty-four hexagrams, in which Renyin represents water and wood in the five elements respectively. According to the theory of the Book of Changes, these two elements rub against each other, forming a special kind of divinatory symbols. It is said that this kind of divination symbolizes being particularly smart this year, and it also means that you need to be cautious about your decision.

It means that this year is not stable, and there may be some fluctuations. You will face great variables and difficulties in realizing your plan. If we can make the right decision this year, we can make up for the previous adverse effects. In addition, the divination in the past year also represents self-growth and preparation, so we need to be prepared for future opportunities.

The revelation of Liu Nian hexagrams of Renyin is that we need to pay special attention to the interaction with family and friends this year. Communication between colleagues and leaders is also very important, which has a great influence on career development. In addition, we should pay attention to physical health and mental health, and always maintain a positive attitude in order to successfully meet the challenges of this year. Slowly polish yourself in this rhythm, so as to get better opportunities and higher achievements.