Which constellation is the Big Dipper?

There are seven bright stars in the northern sky arranged in a barrel shape. We often call them the Big Dipper.

The names of these seven bright stars are: Shu Tian, Tian Xuan, Tianji, Tian Quan, Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang. The first four stars are called "Dou Kui" or "Xuan Ji"; The last three stars are called "bucket" and "bucket handle". These seven stars are α, β, γ, δ, ε, ζ, η in Ursa major, and the other six stars are all second-class except the celestial force δ. The line connecting Tian Xuan β and Shu Tian α is about five times longer, and Polaris can be found. Therefore, beta and alpha stars are also called "Polaris".

Shu Tianxing: Ursa Major.

Western name: dubhe Bayer letter: Alpha Ursa major

Value: 2.00

Location (year J2000.0):

Right ascension:11h03m43.70s.

Declination:+6145' 03.2 "

Height: 54 12' 33 "

Azimuth: 048 49' 51"

U2000: Chart 24, Volume 1

Transfer: 04h 33m 1 1s

Tian Xuan

Constellation: Ursa Major

Western name: Melak

Bayer letter: beta Ursa major

Value: 2.40

Location (year J2000.0):

Right ascension:11h01m50.49s.

Declination:+56 22' 56.6 "

Height: 52 25 ft 3 1 inch

Azimuth: 057 19' 13 "

U2000: Chart 46, Volume 1

Transfer: 04h 3 1m 18s.