The earth revolves around the sun once a year on its own ecliptic. Every circle is 360 degrees.
Every year 12 months, 360 degrees divided by 12 months is equal to 12 houses when the earth goes around the sun once a month.
30 degrees per house times 12 months equals 360 degrees.
Astronomical astrologers use the constellation names of 12 different animals in the universe to represent these 12 houses, so we call them 12 constellations.
Astronomical astrology is the starting point of the earth's annual revolution around the sun.
The vernal equinox and solar terms in China People's Farmers' Calendar are about 2 1 on March every year in the AD calendar.
When the earth began to orbit the sun on March 2 1 day and April 20,
People born within 30 degrees of the ecliptic (the first house) at this time of the earth are classified as Aries.
The name of 12 constellation (12 house) is as follows:
Aries (Aries Palace); Taurus (Taurus Palace)
Gemini (Twin Uterus) Cancer (Cancer Palace)
Leo (Lion Palace) Virgo (Virgin Palace)
Libra (Libra) Scorpio (Scorpio)
Sagittarius (Sagittarius) Capricorn (Goat Palace)
Aquarius (Aquarius) Pisces (Pisces)
Astronomical astrology classifies human beings on the earth according to the date and year of birth and places them around the earth. When the sun revolves around the ecliptic, a year happens to be on the surface of the earth! The resulting 12 different houses!
This 12 different house! Inject a constellation group name = 12 constellation!
Which of the outer space 12 constellations corresponds to the house of that month! That's a constellation.
Pisces happens to be the zodiac, so it's at the end.