What books are good for the future development of young people?

Of course, there are also many books that can help young people develop in the future. The following books are recommended:

1. Radario: This book was written by investment giant Radario, in which he shared his principles of success and philosophy of life. This book can help young people to establish their own values and principles and how to apply them in their work and life.

2. How to read a book (mortimer adler &; CharlesVanDoren): This book can help young people improve their reading ability, so as to better understand and absorb information.

3.DaleCarnegie: This book can help young people better understand human nature and learn how to get along with others.

4.DanielKahneman: This book can help young people better understand how human thinking works and provide some practical skills to improve their thinking ability.

5.AndersEricsson: This book can help young people understand how to improve their skills and abilities through deliberate practice.

6.NassimNicholasTaleb: This book can help young people better understand uncertainty and risks, and provide some practical strategies to deal with these challenges.

7.RobertCialdini: This book can help young people understand how people make decisions and provide some practical skills to influence others' decisions.

8.VitaminZhivago: this book can help young people understand how to become a stronger person through self-reflection and self-improvement.

9. Ben Holovitz: This book can help young people understand the challenges they may encounter in the process of starting a business, and provide some practical suggestions to deal with these challenges.

10.YuvalNoahHarari: This book can help young people understand some things that may happen in the future and provide some practical suggestions to deal with these changes.