2. Fold the top and bottom to the middle.
Turn the inside out and fold it in half along the dotted line.
Turn it over.
5. Open the top one up and down.
6. Fold along the dotted line.
7. Fold along the dotted line.
8. Turn it over.
9. Pull to the right and fold in half along the dotted line.
10. Move in the arrow direction and fold diagonally at the same time.
1 1. Fold the other side in the same way.
12. Turn it over and fold it in half along the dotted line.
13. Open the triangle and fold it.
14. Just fold it as shown.
15. Fold the other side in the same way.
16. Fold along the dotted line.
17. Turn over.
18. Cut at the red line with scissors. Fold along the blue line to the other side.
19. This beautiful skirt is folded.