F2-F27 Aries
F29-F46 Scorpio
F53-F65 Pisces
F72-F92 Taurus
F95-F 108 Gemini
F 109-F 12 1 cancer
F 123-F 138 Sagittarius
F 157-F 170 Libra
F 195-F2 10 Capricorn
F225-F237 Virgo
F240 Explanation of Moon, Mars and Venus Constellations
Explanation of Terms in F245 Constellation
Capricorn I
King's Week12/26-12
Zodiac position: Capricorn is about 3- 13 degrees.
Season: early winter
Element: Earth
Dominant planet: Saturn
Symbol: Capricorn
The way to understand things: the senses