Leo, in the south of the sky, appears in the spring night. It is the fifth sign of the zodiac, the guardian star is the sun, and the symbol of the sun is the lion's heart and tail. It is located between the ecliptic 120 degrees and 150 degrees, and the relative constellation is Aquarius. Virgo, south of the sky, Virgo appears in spring and summer, also known as Virgo. Its symbol is a symbol of pure virgin hair. The sixth sign of the zodiac, the guardian star is Mercury, which is located in the interval of ecliptic 150 degrees to 180 degrees, and the relative sign is Pisces. Libra, west of the Milky Way, Libra is a constellation that appears in the west of the Milky Way on summer nights. The symbol of the constellation is only the symbol of the two plates of Libra. The seventh constellation of the ecliptic, Venus is the guardian star, which is located in the interval of ecliptic 180 degrees to 2 10 degrees. Scorpio, the southern sky, summer night, in the southern sky, you can see a huge constellation across the Milky Way, that is Scorpio, represented by a poisonous needle. The eighth constellation of the zodiac, ruled by Pluto and Mars, lies between 2 10 and 240 degrees before the zodiac. Sagittarius, the southeast coast of the Milky Way, is a constellation that appears on the southeast coast of the Milky Way from summer to autumn. Its representative symbol is the arrow that shoots at the target. Also known as Sagittarius, the ninth constellation of the zodiac, Jupiter is the ruler, located between 240 and 270 degrees in front of the zodiac. Capricorn, southwest. Capricorn is a constellation that appears in the southwest of the autumn night sky. Its symbol is Capricorn's head and tail. Capricorn, also known as Capricorn, is the tenth sign of the zodiac, and Saturn is the ruler, which is located between 270 and 300 degrees before the zodiac. Aquarius, south of the sky. Aquarius is a constellation in the southern sky in autumn night, and its symbol represents running water. Also known as Aquarius, the eleventh constellation of the zodiac, the ruler is Uranus, located in the interval between 300 degrees and 330 degrees of the zodiac, and the relative constellation is Leo. Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac, appears in the east overhead between autumn and winter. It is symbolized by the symbols of two fish. The ruler is Neptune, which is located between 330 and 0 degrees before the ecliptic, and the relative constellation is Virgo.