Taurus Taurus people have strong imitation ability and good eloquence. For Taurus, whether the material world is rich or not has always been a difficult problem that everyone cares about, and they will put it into action. Therefore, whether in the inner world or the real world, Taurus people will ignore and seize all opportunities that are conducive to expanding their life territory and complete the transcendence of class as soon as possible. Therefore, Taurus people usually attach great importance to the content and knowledge and skills related to chemicals, and know how to be close to people who are motivated and hardworking, and unite as one. They are more willing to make friends with people older than themselves, which can gain a lot from other people's experiences and themselves. Naturally, Taurus will gradually become as powerful as people with high status around him. Because we have all met people taller than ourselves. Even Taurus, who is used to self-independence, likes reading and research. Therefore, they have their own "scholar-like whole body" atmosphere, and Taurus is very active. They are willing to share their experiences, and Taurus will become a keen-eyed and insightful person.
Cancer We usually say that people in cancer are like "central air conditioning", which can warm many people. In fact, behind this warmest, it is usually that cancer people feel like a spring breeze because of their insight into people's hearts. Have you thought about this? Cancer people and Libra people often have the same method, so moving passers-by is not to pursue the perfection of their own characteristics and development trends, but to communicate harmoniously with people and things around them and show the most kind and lovely side. This is why cancer is particularly sensitive to the requirements of others, and can also understand with heart when getting along with others. After a long time, they naturally have the eyes of the world. Naturally, for cancer, they really cannot do without it. Besides, their mistresses are too high. Others always want to pay for cancer. Because Cancer always knows how to speak and how to work for herself. To some extent, this means that in the social circle of Cancer, there will be brothers and friends who treat it sincerely.