Notes on the first chapter of "Xici Zhuan"
The eight trigrams are arranged in rows, and the elephants are among them. Therefore, the most important thing is that Yao is in it. Hardness and softness push each other, and change occurs in it. It is ordered based on the words, and the movement is in it. Those who regret being stingy in good or bad times are those who live in motion. Those who are strong and soft are those who establish themselves. Those who are flexible are those who enjoy the times.
The eight trigrams are arranged in rows, and the elephants are among them.
The eight trigrams form a procession, and the elephant is inside.
Therefore, the most important thing is Yao.
Add the Bagua to each hexagram of the Bagua to form the sixty-four hexagrams. Each of the sixty-four hexagrams has six lines, so it is said that the line is among them.
Hardness and softness push each other, and change occurs in it.
Hardness can become soft, and softness can become hard. After the eight trigrams became the sixty-four hexagrams, there were Yao. After Yao is established, changes will occur. The reason for the change lies in the mutual transformation of hardness and softness.
It is ordered based on the words, and the movement is in it.
Add words under the lines to explain, and the action is in it.
Those who regret the misfortune of good fortune and misfortune are those who are active in life.
"The Book of Changes" often talks about regrets about good and bad luck. The reason why good and bad fortunes and regrets and stinginess occur is due to the movement caused by the push of hardness and softness.
Those who are strong and soft are the ones who establish themselves.
The fundamentals of "Yi" are hardness and softness.
Those who are flexible are those who enjoy the times.
Change and accessibility are developments in line with current trends.