Gods, what are the five elements of a boy born on 20 19, 165438, 10: 34?

Birthday (Gregorian calendar) 20191.410: 34?

Birthday (lunar calendar) October 8?

What is the word "eight characters"?

Five elements of earth, water, wood, earth, wood, fire, gold, fire?

The five elements are complete, and the eight characters like to use the god "water"

Qi Jun

Combine the names of all the words belonging to the five elements of water.

Qi: Used as a person's name, it means quiet, happy, sweet, etc., and extended to the idiom "Furong, happy and moving".

Jun: Used as a person's name, it means enterprising, diligent and fond of learning, and extended to the idiom enterprising, tireless and thirsty for knowledge.