How to correct children's eight characters

1, walking in a straight line is the easiest way to eliminate splayed feet, and the effect is also very good. Walking in a straight line requires that the toes are forward, the feet are parallel, and the tandem will be in a straight line. At first, it will be a little unstable and should be corrected with a splayed foot, but after more practice, this phenomenon will gradually improve.

2, running correction, mastering the correct running technical movements, and under the guidance of the teacher, repeatedly practicing the correct technical movements, so that the movements can achieve dynamic stereotypes, which can effectively prevent splayed feet.

3, massage correction, the inner splayed foot can be corrected by the muscles outside the thigh.

Kicking shuttlecock is a good exercise, which helps to correct "splayed feet". "Internal splayed feet", do more external kicks.

5. Choose a professional foot orthosis, with eight-character corrective shoes, children's corrective shoes and insoles.