Seven kills, the official is five grams of yen, and the yin and yang attributes of the official and the five elements of yen are different; The eldest of the six relatives;
The wounded official and the god of food are the five elements of the yen, and the yin and yang attributes of the wounded official and the yen are different; On behalf of the children of six parents;
Offset printing and positive printing are the five elements of birth yuan, and positive printing and Japanese yen have different yin and yang attributes; Among the six parents, they represent the motherly elders;
Partial wealth, positive wealth is five yen grams, positive wealth and five yen have different yin and yang attributes; Among the six parents, representing the father-like elders;
Shoulder to shoulder, robbery is the same five elements of the yen, and robbery is different from the yin and yang attributes of the five elements of the yen; Among the six relatives, brothers and sisters represent the same class and the same peer.
But under certain conditions, the six-parent relationship can be transformed.