Contents 1 Pinyin 2 English reference 3 Surgery name 4 Alias ??for appendectomy 5 Category 6 ICD code 7 Overview 8 Indications for appendectomy 9 Contraindications 10 Preoperative preparation 11 Anesthesia 12 Surgical steps 12.1 1 *** 12.2 2. Incision 12.3 3. Search for the appendix 12.4 4. Process the mesentery 12.5 5. Protect the appendix and cecum 12.6 6. Purse-bag suture 12.7 7. Ligate the root of the appendix 12.8 8. Cut off the appendix 12.9 9. Treatment of the appendix stump 12.10 10. Embedding the appendix stump 12.11 11. Covering the mesentery 12.12 12. Retrograde resection 12.13 13. Closing the abdomen 13 Intraoperative precautions 14 Postoperative treatment 15 Common postoperative complications and treatment 15.1 1. Peritonitis and abdominal abscess 15.2 2 .Incision infection 15.3 3. Intra-abdominal bleeding 15.4 4. Abdominal residual abscess 15.5 5. Intestinal obstruction 15.6 5. Intestinal fistula 15.7 7. Abdominal wall fistula or sinus 1 Pinyin
lán wěi qiē chú shù 2 English reference< /p>
appendectomy 3 Surgery name
Appendectomy 4 Alias ??for appendectomy
appendicectomy 5 Classification
General surgery/colon surgery/appendix Surgery
Pediatric Surgery/Appendectomy 6 ICD Codes
47.0903 7 Overview
Appendix Resection is used to treat acute appendicitis. In general, the operation is easy, but sometimes it is difficult, such as ectopic appendix. Therefore, appendicitis should never be considered a "minor illness" and appendectomy a "minor surgery." Attention must be paid to improve the therapeutic effect and avoid or reduce the occurrence of postoperative complications and sequelae.
Acute appendicitis is a very common disease in surgery. Appendectomy is one of the most common and common operations, but it can sometimes be difficult, so every operation must be taken seriously. Acute appendicitis is the most common acute abdomen in children. Due to the thin wall of the appendix in children, the perforation rate is high; the abdominal cavity has poor ability to confine infection, and once perforated, diffuse peritonitis is often caused; at the same time, children often fail to receive early treatment due to delayed diagnosis, so the clinical symptoms of appendicitis in children are relatively severe. Therefore, once appendicitis in children is diagnosed, surgical treatment should be performed immediately (Figures 12.9.101, 12.9.10
About 500 years ago, humans first recorded medical literature approximating the course of appendicitis. By 1875, Groves in The first successful appendectomy was performed in Canada. In 1886, pathologist Fitz clearly stated that pericecal inflammation was caused by appendicitis, and he predicted that the ultimate treatment for appendicitis would be laparotomy. For more than a hundred years, appendectomy has been gradually improved and is recognized as the most reliable and effective method for treating appendicitis.
In the 1930s, due to the application of antibiotics, some cases of appendicitis were cured by antibiotic treatment. . However, due to the residual inflammation of the appendix, there is still a recurrence. Therefore, the best treatment for recurrent appendicitis is appendectomy (Figure 12.9.11).
The appendix is ??an intraperitoneal organ, about 5 to 7cm long, rarely less than 2cm or as long as 20cm, and about 0.5 to 0.8cm in diameter.
The appendix is ??a blind tube, its root is located at the confluence of three colonic bands in the end of the cecum, and is connected with the cecum. The tip is free and can be extended in any direction. Common locations include anterior or posterior ileum, inferior cecum, posterior cecum, lateral cecum, etc. (Figure Therefore, during appendix surgery, you should first find the cecum and search downward along the colonic band. The root of the appendix can be found at the confluence of the three colonic bands. The mesoappendix contains the appendiceal artery and vein. The appendiceal artery originates from the ileocolic artery and is a terminal branch. Once the blood circulation is blocked, appendiceal gangrene is prone to occur; the appendiceal vein passes through the ileocolic vein to the portal vein of the superior mesenteric vein. Therefore, when the appendix suppurates, it may lead to portophlebitis or liver abscess. 8 Indications
When the diagnosis of acute appendicitis is established, surgical treatment is required.
1. Suppurative or gangrenous appendicitis.
2. Perforated appendicitis accompanied by diffuse peritonitis.
3. Recurrent appendicitis.
4. Chronic appendicitis.
5. Ascariatic appendicitis.
6. Appendicitis in the elderly, children, and pregnancy.
7. Appendiceal abscess.
8. Most cases of acute simple appendicitis.
9. Periappendiceal abscess that fails non-surgical treatment. 9 Contraindications
If a child with acute appendicitis develops for more than 48 hours, and a mass is palpable in the right lower abdomen, and the formation of appendiceal abscess is considered, surgery is not performed temporarily, and anti-infective treatment is actively performed and changes in the condition are closely observed. 10 Preoperative preparation
1. For patients with severe illness, especially elderly and pediatric patients with appendicitis, fluids should be added to correct water and electrolyte balance disorders. The sick child is generally in good condition and can be operated on immediately. When the systemic poisoning of the sick child is severe and dehydration is obvious, several hours of preparation should be made, including intravenous infusion, application of antibiotics, high fever cooling, etc. This can make anesthesia and surgery safer.
2. Perform gastrointestinal decompression if there is abdominal distension.
3. For patients with severe infections, antibiotics are routinely used before surgery.
4. Appropriate use of sedatives, progesterone and other tocolytic drugs for appendicitis during pregnancy.
5. Patients with appendicitis complicated by perforation should not undergo surgery before surgery. 11 Anesthesia
Spinal anesthesia or epidural anesthesia is preferred, but local infiltration anesthesia can also be used. If local anesthesia is performed, in order to obtain better results, the following three points should be noted: ① Block the subcostal nerve, iliohypogastric nerve, and ilioinguinal nerve in the abdominal wall muscle layer; ② The incision should be made before and after the peritoneal incision Peritoneal infiltration on both sides; ③ After entering the abdominal cavity, close the mesoappendix. If the mesoappendix is ??too short and highly inflammatory and edematous, and it is inconvenient to seal it, ileocecal mesosomere sealing can be done to enhance the anesthesia effect. Although general anesthesia is used for pediatric diseases. After anesthesia, the surgeon performs abdominal palpation again. If there is a local mass in the right lower abdomen, the operation can be suspended. 12 Surgical steps 12.1 1. ***
Supine position. 12.2 2. Incision
It needs to be selected according to the condition. Commonly used incisions are:
⑴Oblique incision in the right lower abdomen (mc burney): Oblique incision in the right lower abdomen, namely McBurney Burney's) incision. Make a skin incision perpendicular to the intersection of the outer and middle 1/3 of the line connecting the umbilical foramen and the right anterior superior iliac spine (McBurney point) (Figure 12.9.12, 12.9.13A). The muscles of this incision cross and heal more firmly, making it less likely to form an incisional hernia. It is also closer to the appendix, making it easier to find. The incision is generally 5 to 7cm long. Patients who are confident about the diagnosis often use this incision.
Some people advocate that making a transverse skin incision is beneficial to healing. The method is to make a transverse incision through the McBurney point, with 2/3 of the incision lateral to this point, and the incision avoids the anterior superior iliac spine. The above two incisions are slightly higher, which is beneficial to the exposure and operation of the appendix. After the skin and subcutaneous tissue are incised, the external oblique aponeurosis is incised in the direction of the external oblique muscle (Figure 12.9.13B), and vascular forceps are used to alternately separate the internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscle fibers to expose the peritoneum (Figure 12.9.13C ). Use vascular forceps to alternately lift and cut the peritoneum to avoid accidental injury to the intestines. The direction of the peritoneal incision can be oblique or transverse.
⑵Right lower quadrant transrectus abdominis incision: This incision is convenient for extending the incision and exposing the appendix. This incision is often used when the patient is older, the diagnosis is uncertain, or the adhesion is estimated to be severe and difficult to operate. But once infected, an incisional hernia can easily form.
⑶ Incision during pregnancy: Because the appendix shifts upward and outward as the uterus gradually increases during pregnancy, the incision also needs to shift upward and outward accordingly. 12.3 3. Search for the appendix
After incising the peritoneum, if any exudate or pus overflows, it must be aspirated immediately, and the exudate should be collected for bacterial culture. Use a retractor to retract the incision to both sides and look for the appendix. First, find the cecum. The color of the cecum is smaller than that of the intestine, with a colonic band in front and fat sags on both sides. After finding the cecum, pinch the intestinal wall with gauze padded with your fingers, lift out the cecum, and find the appendix along the colon [Figure 1 (1)]. Sometimes the small intestine or omentum in front of it needs to be pushed open to find the cecum and appendix.
Figure 1 ⑴ Lift out the cecum and appendix
If there are no adhesions around the appendix, you can use your fingers to move the tip of the appendix to the incision. Regardless of the severity of the inflammatory changes, the appendix itself cannot be clamped with hemostatic forceps or tissue forceps to prevent the spread of infection; it can be clamped with special appendix forceps, or the mesangium at the tip of the appendix can be clamped with hemostatic forceps and lifted out. At this time, the patient often feels epigastric discomfort, nausea, and vomiting due to the traction of the mesoappendix. 1% procaine can be used to seal the mesoappendix. 12.4 4. Treating the mesentery
The appendectomy should be performed outside the abdominal wall as much as possible; if it is difficult and needs to be performed inside the abdominal cavity, gauze pads should be used to properly protect all layers of the abdominal wall to prevent contamination. Before removing the appendix, the mesoappendix and the appendiceal artery in it need to be ligated and removed. If the mesentery is thin, the inflammation is not severe, and the anatomical relationship is clear, you can use a hemostatic forceps to make a hole in the non-vascular area next to the appendiceal artery at the root of the mesentery, and pull through two No. 4 silk threads [Figure 1 (2)], 0.5cm apart at the top and bottom. Make a tie on the left and right sides and then cut off the mesangium [Figure 1 (3)]. The proximal end is then ligated or sutured [Figure 1 ⑷]. You can also directly clamp two hemostatic forceps side by side and cut off, and then perform ligation and suture.
Figure 1 ⑵ Ligation of the mesoappendix
Figure 1 ⑶ Cut off of the mesoappendix
Figure 1 ⑷ Add suture ligation of the proximal end
If If the acute inflammation of the mesoappendix is ??severe and shows obvious shortening or edema, it is advisable to use the step-by-step clamping and cutting method with curved hemostatic forceps to gradually cut off the mesoappendix directly to the root of the appendix, and then use No. 4 silk thread to suture and ligate the system. membrane. In about half of the patients, there is an accessory appendix artery from the posterior cecal artery in the mesentery of the appendix root, which should be ligated. 12.5 5. Protect the appendix and cecum
Wrap the appendix with a small piece of dry gauze and clamp it firmly with appendiceal forceps or tissue forceps. Then use saline gauze to wrap around the cecum at the root of the appendix to prevent intraoperative contamination. 12.6 6. Purse-bag suture
Lift the appendix, make a purse-string suture around the root of the appendix on the cecal wall 0.5 to 0.8 cm away from the root of the appendix (the distance should be larger if the root is thicker), and do not tighten it yet. . Note that each needle should penetrate deep into the muscle layer but should not penetrate into the intestinal lumen [Figure 1 ⑸].
Figure 1 ⑸ After protecting the appendix and cecum, perform purse-string suture of seromuscular layer 12.7 7. Ligate the root of the appendix
Use a straight hemostat to squeeze 0.5cm away from the root of the appendix (Discard the contaminated straight forceps after use) to prevent the suture from slipping during ligation. Immediately use No. 4 silk thread to ligate the indentation, use hemostatic forceps to clamp the ligation thread against the appendix, and cut off the thread end with applicator pliers. Then use straight hemostatic forceps to clamp the appendix 0.4cm distal to the ligation line [Figure 1 ⑹].
Figure 1 ⑹ Ligate the root of the appendix 12.8 8. Cut off the appendix
After applying pure carbolic acid on the blade, move the blade upward, close to the bottom of the straight hemostat clamped at the root of the appendix, and cut off the appendix , discard the knife and appendix together [Figure 1 ⑺].
Figure 1 ⑺ Cut off the appendix 12.9 9. Treatment of the appendix stump
Use 3 straight hemostatic forceps with small cotton balls at the tips to dip the cotton balls in pure carbolic acid (or 5 % iodine tincture), 75% alcohol and physiological saline, apply it on the mucosal surface of the appendix stump in sequence, and then discard the saline gauze protecting the cecum [Figure 1 ⑻].
Figure 1 ⑻ Disinfection of the stump 12.10 10. Embedding the appendix stump
The assistant uses the toothless forceps in his left hand to lift the cecal wall on the opposite side of the purse string suture and holds the clip in his right hand Hold the hemostatic forceps knotted and push the appendix stump into the cecal cavity. At the same time, the surgeon lifts and tightens the purse-string suture so that the stump is buried in the purse-string opening. After ligation, cut off the thread [Figure 1 ⑼].
Figure 1 ⑼ Embedding the stump
Some people advocate not embedding the stump and just ligating the root of the appendix with silk thread. When using this method, it is best to sew a little with a needle. The appendix serosa is then ligated to prevent the appendix from slipping, and this suture should not pass through the appendix cavity. When the cecal wall around the appendix is ??obviously edematous and brittle, it is not advisable to forcefully bury the stump in a purse. It is safer to perform simple ligation. If you plan to use surrounding tissue to cover the appendix stump, use the residual edge of the mesoappendix or nearby intestinal fat sag. Do not pull the greater omentum to fix it with the stump. 12.11 11. Covering the mesentery
Reinforcement suture: Use No. 10 silk thread, 0.3cm around the periphery of the purse-string suture, and then perform a figure-of-8 suture of the seromuscular layer, and connect the appendiceal meso-appendiceal stump or fat descending colon Fix to make the local surface smooth and prevent postoperative adhesions [Figure 1 ⑽].
Figure 1 ⑽ Covering the mesentery 12.12 12. Retrograde resection method
When the appendix is ??in the posterior position of the cecum or the appendix tip cannot be exposed at first, the root of the appendix can be ligated and cut off as described above ( Figure 12.9.15A), after the stump is embedded (Figure 12.9.15B), the distal end of the appendix is ??clamped with a vascular forceps, and the mesoappendix is ??cut and ligated successively until the appendix is ??removed (Figure 12.9.15C). 12.13 13. Closing the abdomen
Before closing the abdomen, use oval forceps to clamp a small gauze ball, extend it into the abdominal cavity, and check around the cecum for exudate, pus, and bleeding from the ligation point. If so, It should be treated and then all layers of the abdominal wall should be sutured [Figure 1 ⑾].
⑾Close the abdominal cavity after examination
Figure 1 Appendectomy
Acute appendicitis perforation complicated by localized or diffuse peritonitis, severe infection and contamination, When there is exudation or pus; when the appendiceal residue is unsatisfactory and the stump may split; when the retroperitoneal soft tissue is contaminated during the operation; when the peri-appendiceal abscess is incised, the abdominal cavity must be drained. The most commonly used cigarette drainage is placed in the right iliac fossa or pelvic cavity, and a small incision is made outside the incision to lead it out. It will be removed 2 to 3 days after surgery.
If the incision is seriously contaminated, cigarette drainage or rubber tube drainage should be placed in the extraperitoneal space, and only loose sutures should be made on each layer of the abdominal wall to facilitate drainage. 13 Intraoperative Precautions
1. The appropriate incision length for adults is 5cm to 7cm. Exposure must be sufficient to properly remove the appendix, so the incision should not be too small. If the incision is too small and forceful retraction is performed, more muscles and deep tissues may be damaged, or the exposure may be poor, making the operation difficult. Of course, it shouldn’t be too big blindly.
2. When finding the appendix is ??difficult, attention should be paid to distinguishing it from the transverse colon, which is connected to the greater omentum, and the sigmoid colon, which has a longer mesentery and a narrower fat hanging base.
Then, you can find the appendix by searching along the colonic band at the cecal end toward its confluence. If it is still not found, you can use your hands to feel behind the cecum to see if the appendix is ??buried in the retroperitoneum. When the appendix has acute inflammation and surrounding adhesions and is difficult to find, you can remove the retractor, insert the index finger and middle finger of your right hand into the abdominal cavity, and search along the right wall toward the cecum. After finding the adhesions, the adhesions were gradually separated and the appendix was brought out [Figure 2]. Sometimes the appendix is ??too short, or sometimes it breaks in the middle after being perforated and gangrenous. Care should be taken to remove all of it and not to miss anything.
Figure 2 Separating adhesions and protruding the appendix
When encountering unexpected difficulties, such as tight inflammatory adhesions, do not forcefully remove the appendix. Drainage and effective non-surgical treatments can be used instead. Because the presence of adhesions is enough to prevent the spread of infection.
3. When the appendix is ??located behind the cecum and is fixed in position and difficult to remove, the retroperitoneum outside and below the cecum can be incised [Figure 3 (1)], then the cecum can be wrapped with gauze and turned upward to expose the appendix, and then perform Retrograde appendectomy. In addition, if the appendix is ??long and the tube end is adherent and fixed, it is not advisable to forcefully lift out the end as usual, and the appendix should be resected retrogradely instead. First, use a hemostatic forceps to pass through the mesentery near the root of the appendix, pass two No. 40 silk threads, and double-ligate the root of the appendix [Figure 3 (2)]. Clamp a curved hemostat 1cm distal to the ligation, and use a knife to cut between the hemostat and the ligation line. After the appendix stump is disinfected, purse-string suture embedding or mattress suture embedding is performed according to the specific circumstances. Then use curved hemostats to clamp segmentally toward the tip of the appendix and cut off the mesoappendix [Figure 3 (3)]. Finally, remove the appendix and ligate the proximal mesoappendix one by one.
⑴ Incision of the retroperitoneum outside the cecum
⑵ Ligation of the root of the appendix
⑶ Clamping and cutting of the mesoappendix in sections
Figure 3. Retrograde appendectomy of the appendix
4. If the appendix is ??adherent to the omentum, the adhering inflammatory tissue of the omentum should be removed together; if it is adhered to the intestinal tube, it should be carefully separated and excised. Do not tear it blindly; if it adheres to the iliac artery, vein, ureter, uterus and other important organs, you should pay more attention to the operation to prevent blood vessel rupture or organ perforation.
5. The appendectomy line should be 0.5cm away from the root ligation line, and the stump should not be too long or too short. If it is too long, an abscess may form in the residual cavity; if it is too short, the tension in the cecum may cause the ligature to loosen and fecal fluid to leak out, causing intra-abdominal infection. Some people advocate not ligating the stump, but only doing purse-string sutures and figure-of-eight sutures to avoid swelling of the stump and without the risk of loose ligation.
6. When disinfecting the appendix stump with carbolic acid, do not apply it to the serosa to avoid burning the serosa and increasing postoperative adhesions.
7. The appendix root ligature should not be tied too loosely or too tightly. If it is too loose, it will easily slip. If it is too tight, the appendix may be broken. Both of these situations may cause bleeding from the remaining appendix artery.
8. The distance between the purse-string suture and the root of the appendix should not be too far or too close; too close will make it difficult to bury the stump, and too far can form a large dead space, which may easily cause stump infection or abscess.
9. When the root of the appendix is ??perforated, it often causes inflammatory changes in the cecal wall and obvious edema, making it difficult to bury the appendix stump in the purse string. 3 to 5 interrupted mattress sutures can be made on the cecal walls on both sides of the stump, ligated one by one, the stump can be buried, and if necessary, the mesoappendix can be covered and reinforced.
10. For appendiceal ascariasis, the appendix wall should be removed before incision to allow the ascarids to exit the appendix. If unsuccessful, the roundworm should be pushed into the cecum after incision of the appendix, then the ligature should be tightened and the stump should be disposed of. It is generally taboo to remove the roundworms through the stump of the appendix to avoid contaminating the abdominal cavity; it is also not advisable to ligate the roundworms and the appendix together.
11. If the appendix is ??located behind the cecum and outside the peritoneum, and it has been confirmed before surgery, after separating the transversus abdominis muscle, carefully protect the peritoneal sac without incision, but completely insert it into the abdominal cavity. Push away from the inside, reach the appendix in the retroperitoneal space from the outside, and remove the appendix. This method is more important for perforated extraperitoneal appendicitis, as it can protect the abdominal cavity from contamination. The extraperitoneal space should be drained thoroughly. If the appendix is ??found outside the peritoneum and has been perforated after incision of the peritoneum, the peritoneum can still be sutured and treated as described above.
12. If appendiceal lesions are found to be inconsistent with the physical signs during the operation, the cecum, ileum, fallopian tube, ovaries, mesenteric lymph nodes and peritoneal fluid should be carefully examined. If necessary, the incision should be expanded to ensure correct treatment after diagnosis. 14 Postoperative treatment
For simple appendicitis, the operation goes smoothly. There are no special restrictions on diet and activities after the operation. You can sit up on the day after the operation, eat the next day, and the sutures can be removed 5 to 6 days later. Encourage sick children to move early and use antibiotics prophylactically. For patients with severe acute appendicitis and peritonitis, they should take a semi-recumbent position after recovering from anesthesia, continue anti-infective treatment, and eat liquids after intestinal motility recovers. Observe the incision and drainage conditions, and change the dressing in time. The abdominal drainage is usually gradually removed within 3 to 5 days after surgery. 15 Common postoperative complications and treatment 15.1 1. Peritonitis and abdominal abscess
If the body temperature does not drop, abdominal tenderness, and rebound pain do not decrease after surgery, peritonitis should be considered. In addition to continuing gastrointestinal decompression, infusion, and correction of water and electrolyte balance imbalances, large doses of antibiotics and traditional Chinese medicine should be given.
If the infection symptoms are not controlled 5 to 6 days after surgery, intra-abdominal abscess may occur, most commonly in the pelvis, right iliac fossa, subdiaphragm and intestine. Once confirmed, drainage should be performed immediately.
15.2 2. Incision infection
On the 3rd to 4th day after the operation, the body temperature rises and the incision is distended and painful. Incision infection or suppuration may occur. If the abdominal wall is red, swollen and tender, 1 to 2 stitches should be removed. Line, expand the incision, remove the knot, and provide adequate drainage. In some frail patients, the incision may dehiscence after surgery and should be re-sutured and tension-reduction sutures should be added. Sinus tracts that have not healed for a long time should be surgically removed. 15.3 3. Intra-abdominal bleeding
Within 1 to 2 days after the operation, the patient suddenly appears pale, has a fast pulse, is short of breath, and breaks out in cold sweats. Some patients have a large amount of blood in the stool, a drop in hemoglobin, and abdominal distension. This should be considered as intra-abdominal bleeding. . After the test puncture confirms intra-abdominal bleeding, another operation should be performed to remove the accumulated blood, find the bleeding point, and suture it. 15.4 4. Abdominal residual abscess
Most of the time, the body temperature does not drop. Pelvic abscess often has rectal vaginal symptoms. Intestinal space or subdiaphragmatic infection may have corresponding symptoms and signs. Anti-infective treatment should be active. If non-surgical treatment is ineffective and the infection becomes worse, the abscess should be drained in time after the location is identified. 15.5 5. Intestinal obstruction
Mostly it is paralytic intestinal obstruction. In addition to gastrointestinal decompression and infusion, Chinese herbal medicine can also be used for treatment. If it does not heal for a long time after the above active treatment, it may be mechanical intestinal obstruction. , requiring another operation if necessary. 15.6 5. Enteric fistulas
Most of them are external fistulas that occur at the original incision site, coming from the cecum or appendix stump. They usually heal spontaneously about 2 weeks after surgery, and only a few cases require intestinal fistula closure. 15.7 7. Abdominal wall fistula or sinus
It is relatively common, and the common causes are: ① Ileocecal lesions, such as localized enteritis, tuberculosis, tumors, amoebic granuloma, etc. causing appendiceal remnant The appendix is ??poorly healed; ② the appendix is ??not completely removed and part of it remains in the abdominal cavity; ③ the incision is infected, the drainage is not smooth, or there are knots in the incision. After a chronic fistula or sinus tract is formed, the tube and the scar tissue around it need to be excised to remove knots and other foreign matter. If the tube leads to the abdominal cavity, a fistula x-ray should be performed in advance to understand the path of the tube and make preoperative preparations.
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