Ice hockey with dry land: technical terms

Floorball is transliterated as Fuluoqiu, which is called dry land ice hockey in China, or ground ball (informal).

Stick club

Shaft handle

Blade impact plate

Infiltration participation

Invasion offensive

standing position

Forehand forehand

crash pad

Antenna height (ball)

The backswing of a racket swings backwards.

Dribble, dribble

Backhand backhand

fake/trick movement

Transition fast break

Attack attack

fight back

Defense defense

Offense, foul

Goalkeeper goalkeeper

(of football/soccer) free kick

make a penalty shot

Kick off the ball

Hit a foul ball

Fixed position positioning ball

Penalty punishment


skating rink

Play more power games and play less.

Tactics tactics and tactics


Judge the consequences

Street floor ball street dry land ice hockey

Swamp cricket swamp dry land ice hockey

Ice hockey in dry land of sand earth

CFD (China Earth Development Center) China Dryland Ice Hockey Development Center.

SFF (Swedish Floor Ball Federation) Swedish Dryland Ice Hockey Federation

International Floor Ball Federation International Dryland Ice Hockey Federation

General Association of International Sports Federations

Emsa (Australian e-sports management) Australian e-sports administration

British Floor Ball & ampUnihockey Association British Dryland Ice Hockey and Ice Hockey Association

FFF (Finnish Floor Ball Federation) Finnish Dryland Ice Hockey Federation

EFC (European Floor Cup) Dryland Ice Hockey European Cup