Please understand the horoscopes of two people and see if their respective horoscopes are suitable for them to be together.

Based on the Gregorian calendar; if a man is born in the sixth house and a woman is born in the second house, it is a first-class marriage and a heavenly doctor. The union of both parties will bring health and strength to each other, and there will be few disputes. The male will have a strong character. , difficult to offend. She is very scheming, but still a Quaker.

The female is kind-hearted and kind, and everyone will be convinced by her words and actions. Also a Quaker. It seems to be a good match. Receiving the certificate does not necessarily have to be the day when the wedding ceremony is held.

The first month of 2014 is the 8th, 9th, 14th, 18th, 20th and 26th of your Lunar Calendar, which are all auspicious days of the zodiac. You can choose them at your discretion.