When the sun is booming and officials are mixed, what can be used to adjust?

When the Japanese Lord is prosperous, it is impossible for officials to kill him. Any eight characters, only eight words, the sun is weak, other words will flourish, the sun is strong, and other words cannot flourish. There is something wrong with your question.

Usually, the sun is strong, or it was born in the month of the season. For example, during Sun's three months in Shen, a big fire killed officials. No matter how much fire there is, it is hard to flourish, because autumn is the golden territory, and without fire, it has changed the momentum of the original game. As far as your question is concerned, the sun is shining, which is to a certain extent.

It is necessary to distinguish what caused Japan's prosperity. If it is caused by India, Fortune Star is preferred.

If it is caused by robbing money, you can't choose the fortune star to use it. It will die, and it will be killed by the official. Here's another one, Yang Rizhu. If it's caused by robbery, it's a sword. At this time, the first choice is seven kills. When there are these combinations, there are just these gods in the original bureau, that is, good life and high life. If the original bureau doesn't have this, for example, the last one, Yang.