If you want to hang pictures of dragons, tigers, leopards, bears, etc. In the living room, it depends on the way of hanging. If you want to hang it, it is best to put the heads of these beasts outward, and their heads outward to form a guardian format. If the animal head is pointed at the thunder, it will bring illness or unexpected bad luck to the family, which is not conducive to the health of the family. So when you hang up, you must pay attention to these important issues.
Second, the hanging place
If you want to hang these paintings of dragons, tigers and leopards in your living room, you'd better put them at the door to protect and protect the living room. If you hang them in the middle of the living room or in the corner of the tribe, it will also do some harm to people's health. You might as well not hang up like this. It's better to hang them in important places.
Third, decorate things.
If we hang pictures of dragons, tigers, leopards, bears, etc. In the living room, don't put some sundries or bad things under these pictures. If we put some messy things under it, it will also do some harm to the health of our families. After hanging these things, you should choose a clean place, which will bring benefits and wealth to your family.
The above contents are some opinions about putting pictures of dragons, tigers, leopards and bears at home. You can take advantage of these opinions and put them at home properly. If these pictures are white but not big, it will bring some harm to your family. It is best to put some pictures you like reasonably, which will not only add luster to your family, but also bring benefits to your family.