How does Confucius define a gentleman

Confucius believes that the standard of a gentleman is: "The benevolent is not worried, the wise is not confused, and the brave is not afraid." An upright man will not worry about the wealth in his heart. A smart person can take his time in the face of various choices. Brave people can have enough self-confidence and calmness because of their inner strength and inner courage. A gentleman can have benevolence, wisdom and courage at the same time. So we avoid worry, confusion and fear. Therefore, a gentleman is the kind of person who is perfect and rich in heart, cultivates himself first, and then shows a leisurely attitude. The power of a gentleman comes from the heart. Therefore, Confucius said: "Bowing to others and lightly blaming others is far from blaming others." It means: people are strict with themselves and relatively kind to others, that is, stay away from resentment. This shows that a gentleman does not criticize the outside world more, but spends his limited time, energy and cultivation on criticizing his own heart. That is, no complaints.