Yes, the fiber of the leaves is not enough for rabbits, so they can only be used as snacks. But if you use it as a snack, you must pay attention to handling it cleanly.
Foods that cannot be eaten in large amounts: corn, peanuts, potatoes, flour foods, nuts, meat, honey, glucose, oatmeal, sweet bamboo branches, etc. Foods that cannot be eaten: chocolate, coffee, wine, onions, leeks, green onions, garlic, etc. It is best not to feed biscuits and bread. Rabbits should eat less fruits and vegetables as much as possible. Rabbits’ gastrointestinal and digestive characteristics determine that they are not suitable for digesting too many carbohydrates! Excessive fruits and vegetables can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort in rabbits, especially for young rabbits. Eating fruits and vegetables too early can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea (diarrhea and hypoglycemia are fatal to young rabbits). Adult rabbits should try not to eat more than the amount of fruits and vegetables every day. 300g. The feces of different rabbits will change after eating. You should adjust the amount of food according to the physical condition of your rabbit. If there is any abnormality, stop feeding fruits and vegetables immediately. Before feeding, the food should be washed and the moisture on the surface should be dried before feeding to the panda rabbit.
Rabbit food also needs to be rationed regularly. Unlimited supply of drinking water and hay 24 hours a day.
Probiotics are an important factor in pet gastrointestinal health and even body health. In the natural environment, animals can supplement probiotics by ingesting various raw foods. Since the food consumed by domestic pets contains additives, it will destroy the balance of the flora in the gastrointestinal tract of pets and easily cause gastrointestinal diseases such as constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, and gastroenteritis. Pet probiotics must be supplemented to maintain gastrointestinal health.
In China, because the living environment is different from that of foreign garden villas, rabbits do not need to be vaccinated or take coccidiosis medicine: vaccinations are in the experimental stage around the world, and there is no Reaching R&D qualification status; rabbits need to do a fecal examination (the test can be done at pet hospitals, animal husbandry stations, and veterinary stations, just physiological saline and a microscope) to determine whether there is coccidia. If there is no coccidia, there is no need to take medicine. The coccidia medicine itself It has side effects on the rabbit's body and can easily cause gastrointestinal necrosis; if there is coccidia, try to choose drugs from world-renowned manufacturers (such as Bayer, Germany). Do not choose three-no products. Coccidia is very irritating to the gastrointestinal tract and needs to be combined with probiotics. Take.
Rabbits, like other animals, will definitely die if they don’t drink water. However, because in the past, we were fed vegetables and wild grasses that contain a lot of water, the excessive water contained in these foods will affect the health of the gastrointestinal tract and cause diarrhea. A wet cage can easily make rabbits sick. If dry worker feed is the main food, Of course you need to drink water.
Rabbit feces are usually hard, round black particles, and occasionally soft. Rabbits may eat these soft feces immediately if they are not careful. These soft stools contain plant fibers that cannot be digested in food. They are eaten again in the abdomen, and after absorbing the nutrients needed by the body, they turn into round stools and are excreted out of the body. Without eating this feces, some rabbits may die from nutritional deficiencies. Rabbits eating their own feces are not suffering from mental illness like cats and dogs, so there is no need to worry.
On average, a cage with a length of about 70-80 cm on each side can hold 1 rabbit. In addition to professional rabbit cages, dog cages available on the market can be used. Cat cages are too high, and squirrel cages and bird cages are not strong enough. When making your own cage, make sure the wood is hard enough to avoid chewing. Wooden slats are used at the bottom of the cage to facilitate the drainage of dirt and avoid excessive moisture in the cage. It is best to use wire mesh on the front and sides to allow good ventilation in the cage. Pay attention to protecting the rabbit's feet at the bottom of the cage. If you use a wire mesh bottom, you need to add plastic foot pads, otherwise the feet may become inflamed.
If you raise the rabbit outdoors and use the ground directly as the floor of the breeding cabin, rabbits may dig holes to escape, so special attention should be paid. In addition, because rabbits are intolerant of heat and humidity, if they are kept outdoors, you should be careful not to place the cage in a closed room or a balcony where it will be exposed to the sun during the rainy season or hot summer. Rabbits mature sexually around 8 months after birth. When a female rabbit becomes restless, it is a sign of estrus. After mating, the male rabbit will make a high-pitched cry and fall into coma. After the female rabbit becomes pregnant, she should be separated from the male rabbit. Lay straw or other hay in the cage, and surround the cage with cloth. Try not to touch it to keep the female rabbit quiet and stable. Female rabbits use the hair on their abdomens to make nests. From pregnancy to delivery, the female rabbit will become very nervous. If exposed too much, the female rabbit may bite the owner or kill the rabbit she gave birth to. One litter can give birth to 5-6 rabbits. When food or drinking water is insufficient, the mother rabbit may eat the rabbits, so the amount provided should be slightly more than usual. After about 60 days, the baby rabbit can leave the nest. At this time, the baby rabbit can be separated from the mother rabbit, and it can be easily tamed. If you have difficulty taking care of the baby rabbit, you can wait until the baby rabbit is three months old before separating it from the mother rabbit. Rabbits are usually fertile at three months of age or territorial. If separated into cages too late, it can easily lead to inbreeding or fights, and in severe cases, death. Each rabbit needs two hours of air time per day.
Keep your home tidy and healthy. However, you must not take the layout of the rabbit cage lightly: First, try not to use a mesh bottom. It is best to put soft pads or soft cloth on the bottom of the cage, because rabbits are born with soft cushions on their hind feet. , used to detect enemy incoming attacks. Standing bent on the bottom of the cage for a long time will cause the rabbit's feet to grow fleshy, and the shape of the feet will also become splayed, making it difficult to walk. In severe cases, it may resist being picked up.
In addition, the rabbit will choose one of the four corners of the cage as the toilet, and the opposite corner is the bed for sleeping. As long as a soft cloth is placed on the bed, it will sleep peacefully.