Birthday horoscope analysis results
Birthday (Gregorian calendar)
November 1, 2015 10:40
Birthday (lunar calendar) Yiwei Year September 20 Si Shi
Bazi Yiwei Bingxu Xinsi Guisi
Five Elements Wood and Earth Fire and Earth Metal and Fire Water and Fire
Nayin Gold in the Sand Earth on the House White Wax Metal, Changliu Shui
Overview: The horoscope is relatively weak, and the horoscope likes "earth". It is best to use a character with the five-element attribute of "earth" in the name. The analysis is as follows:
Yongshen analysis: [Same score]: Gold 2.20, Earth 1.14, *** total 3.34 points; [Odd score]: Fire 3.02, Wood 1.20, Water 1.06, *** total 5.28 points; [Difference]: -1.93 points; [Comprehensive Prosperity and Decline Score]: -1.93 points, "the eight characters are weak"; "the eight characters like to use gods": the eight characters are weak, and the eight characters like "earth", and "earth" is this The "god of joy" in life.