How far is it from Shendang to Bazi Village in Yucheng?

Driving route: about 10.2 kilometers in total

Starting point: Shendang Town

1. Start from the starting point in the east direction and drive along Yongqing West Road for 90 meters, after passing the Shendang Town Party School on the left for about 150 meters, go straight into Yongqing East Road

2. Drive along Yongqing East Road for 150 meters, and pass the Yongqing Store on the left for about 240 meters After that, turn right to enter the Nanwang Line

3. Drive along the Nanwang Line for 5.2 kilometers, cross the Egret Bridge, toward Haiyancheng District, turn right and enter the Nanwang Line

4. Drive along the Nanwang Line for 140 meters. At the 3rd exit, turn left and rear to enter the Yanyu Line

5. Drive along the Yanyu Line for 3.7 kilometers and turn left forward

6. Drive 120 meters and turn left

7. Drive 200 meters and reach the end point (on the left side of the road)

End point: Yucheng Bazi Village