What is the birth date of December 30, 2003 at 9:10?

Search results

Gregorian calendar: December 30, 2003 (Tuesday) at 9 o'clock

Lunar calendar: Si hour on the eighth day of Decem

What is the birth date of December 30, 2003 at 9:10?

Search results

Gregorian calendar: December 30, 2003 (Tuesday) at 9 o'clock

Lunar calendar: Si hour on the eighth day of December in the Guiwei year

Spring Festival: February 1st

Before the festival: Renwu year

After the festival: Guiwei year

Eight characters: Guiwei Yi Chou Ding Chou Yisi

Five elements: water, earth, wood, earth, fire, earth, wood, fire

Orientation: north, east, middle, south, middle, southeast

Defect: gold

Zodiac: Sheep