What does anti-yin and fuyin mean?

Anti-Yin and Fu-yin means to use a person’s birth date to predict the success or failure of a marriage. If the four earthly branches are the same as the earthly branches in the destiny or the luck of the year, they are Fuyin. Those with both stems and branches being Fuyin are especially heavy, so they are also called Zhuanzhisha. See you again at Guiwei day and Guiwei month.

If the four earthly branches are in conflict with the earthly branches in the destiny or the year, it is called reverse Yin, and it is also called back Yin. If the stems and branches are all reverse Yin, it is especially serious, so it is also called Tian Ke Di Chong. See you again in the year of Yichou on Guiwei day. Anyone whose destiny is reversed or suppressed will not be considered auspicious, as it will be detrimental to the relatives, and will either lead to disaster or loss of wealth.