The eight characters representing Hunan

Birthday (Gregorian calendar): 20 13 March 18 2 1: 00 12.

Birthday (lunar calendar): the seventh day of February in Qiuci year.

Eight words: I am sorry, but I am not sorry.

Five elements: fire, water, wood, earth, water and water.

Yin Na: It will always be running water, streams, willows and the sea.

Five elements analysis:

Summary: Eight characters are weak, and eight characters like "gold", so it is best to use the five elements of "gold" in the name. The analysis is as follows:

This life is full of water; LMNT; The sun is dry and the sky is watery. Heterogeneity: firewood and soil. Five-element statistics: 2 wood, 1 fire, 1 soil, 0 gold, 4 water)

Analysis with gods: [similar score]: water 3.70, gold 0.30, a total of 4.00 points; [Heterogeneous score]: fire 1.20, wood 3.00, soil 0.50, totaling 4.70 points; [Poor]: -0.70; [Comprehensive rise and fall score]: -0.70, "eight characters are weak"; The eight-character God is weak, and the eight-character God loves "gold", which is the XiShen of this life.

Name: Tang

The five elements are fire, gold and water.

The strokes are: 10 14 17.

Overall evaluation score: 90 points.

The numbers of celestial lattice, personality, ground lattice, total lattice and outer lattice are 1 1 (wood) 24 (fire) 3 1 (wood) 4 1 (wood) 18 (gold) respectively.

The detailed explanation is as follows: Tian Ge Mathematics 1 1 (wood) [also known as precedent, left by ancestors, which has little impact on life], suggesting that:

Everything is renewed, developed harmoniously and prospered magnificently. (Ji)? Personality Mathematics 24 (Fire) [also called nominative, it is the center of the name and the fate of the person in charge], suggesting:

Qing Yu, a family member, is rich, self-made and rich. (Kyrgyzstan)

Cautious in doing things, lofty ideals, correct concepts and hidden explosiveness are its shortcomings. If there is fortune distribution, it can achieve stable development, but if the Universiade is injured, it is a moment of success.