Eight characters related to politics

/%E8%87%AA%E7%94%B 1 Political freedom has many meanings: the freedom of will. Say whatever you want and do whatever you want. Let it go. Freedom in the sense of doing things according to law means understanding and reforming the inevitable. Freedom in the sense of self-discipline. Kant used the word freedom in this sense. It is a human right to pursue one's goals in one's own field. In theory, there may be absolute freedom, but because society is made up of people, freedom is not only a personal problem, but also the degree to which each subject in society defines each other. Therefore, some people think that personal freedom is subject to the equality and freedom of others, and then some people think that freedom is related to responsibility, and those who have relevant freedom should bear relevant responsibilities. Freedom is the core concept of political philosophy. Freedom is also a social concept. Freedom is the right of social people. The opposite of freedom is slavery. /%E6%B0%9 1%E4%B8%BB democracy (or translated democracy, democracy) literally (from Greek Δ η μ ο demos; People; ξξαψινkratein; Rule), representing the rule of the people. There are many different definitions of the method of democratic governance and the scope of "people", but the general principle is majority rule. Democracy is usually compared with oligarchy and dictatorship. Under these two systems, political power is highly concentrated in the hands of a few people, rather than being controlled by the broad masses of the people like democracy. The word democracy is often used to describe the politics of a country, but the principle of democracy can also be applied to other areas where there are ruling behaviors. /%E5%8D%9A%E7%88%B 1 originally meant people who love everything widely. /%E5%B9%B3%E7%AD%89 Equality means that people enjoy equal treatment in social, political, economic and legal aspects. /%E4% Ba% Ba% E6% 9D% 83/%E6% B3% 95% E5% 88% B6 Science/%E7% A7% 91%E5% AD% A6/Article/JJLT/JJLT200865438 Although different views divide them on the purpose and identity of the community, they are linked by the ties of sympathy. The characteristics of this state and the unique order it represents can be considered as one of the other two States. The first is more cohesive than the state of political fraternity, and the second is much smaller. Supplement: Chu Anping /view/52684.htm? Fr=ala0_ 1_ 1 Zhang Wuchang /view/80664.htm? Fr=ala0_ 1_ 1 qianmu /view/2036.htm? Fr=ala0_ 1_ 1 Fu Sinian /view/20 14.htm? fr=ala0_ 1_ 1