B What five lines were missing in the last year? 2015101a girl born around 4: 30 on October 22nd.

Date of birth analysis results

Birthday (Gregorian calendar)

20151014: 30 on October 22nd.

Birthday (lunar calendar) b is at 10 o'clock in September.

Eight-character B is not C, and Xin is not Geng Yin.

Wuxing mu tu huo Jin tu Jin civil engineering

Pines and cypresses along the dirt road of gold placer Gold Building in Nayin.

Summary: the eight characters are basically balanced, and the eight characters like "water". It is best to use the five elements of "water" as the name. The analysis is as follows:

Analysis with gods: [Close score]: Jin 2.67, Tu 1.75438+0, with a total score of 4.38; [Heterogeneous score]: fire 2. 18, wood 2. 10, water 0.00, totaling 4.28 points; [Poor]: 0.09; [Comprehensive rise and fall score]: 0.09, "basic balance of eight characters"; Eight characters like to use God: The eight characters are basically balanced, and the eight characters like water, and water is the XiShen of this life.