Birthday horoscope analysis results
Birthday (Gregorian calendar)
October 29, 1977 18:0
Birthday (lunar calendar) D Si Year, September 17th, Youshi
The Eight Characters Dingsi, Gengxu, Jiwei, Guiyou
Five Elements Fire, Metal, Earth, Earth, Water and Metal
Nayin Shazhong Earth, Hairpin, Gold, Heavenly Fire, Jianfeng Metal
Overview: The eight characters are basically balanced, and the eight characters like "wood". It is best to use a character with the five-element attribute of "wood" in the name. The analysis is as follows:
Yongshen analysis: [Same score]: Earth 2.28, Fire 2.29, *** total 4.57 points; [Odd score]: Gold 3.02, Wood 0.20, Water 1.06, *** total 4.28 points; [Difference]: 0.29 points; [Comprehensive prosperity and decline score]: 0.29 points, "the eight characters are basically balanced"; "the eight characters like to use gods": the eight characters are basically balanced, and the eight characters like "wood", and "wood" is the destiny. "The God of Joy".