Five elements and eight character analysis results
Birthday (Gregorian calendar):
June 14, 1962, 3:00
Birthday (Lunar calendar) ): The thirteenth day of the fifth month of the Renyin year
Eight characters: Renyin, Bingwu, Guiwei, Jiayin
Five elements: water, wood, fire, fire, water, earth, wood, wood
Nayin : Gold foil, Tianhe water, willow wood, big stream water
Five element analysis:
Overview: The horoscope is relatively weak, and the horoscope likes "gold". It is best to use a name with the five element attribute of "gold". Character. The analysis is as follows:
In this life, the five elements of wood are strong; the five elements are short of gold; the sun is ruled by the heavenly stem: water (the same type is: water and metal; the different type is: fire, wood, and earth. Five element statistics: 3 wood, 2 fire, 1 earth , 0 gold, 2 water)
Yongshen analysis: [similar score]: water 2.00, gold 0.00, *** total 2.00 points; [unusual score]: fire 3.48, wood 2.60, earth 0.60, ***Total 6.68 points; [Difference]: -4.68 points; [Comprehensive Prosperity and Decline Score]: -4.68 points, "The eight characters are weak"; "Gold" is the "god of joy" in this life.