But think about it from another angle. If you bought a loan house at the beginning, something happened suddenly during the loan period, or you suddenly lost your stable job, and your monthly fixed income was gone. What will you use to repay the loan? What will happen if it is not done at this time? I don't know if you've all thought about it, but I think it should be quite serious anyway. I feel that if I don't have the strength, I'd better not borrow money to buy a house now and find a place to rent for a long time. Although I may think that it is my rented house, not my home, everyone has been working hard outside for a long time. There is no need to have a fixed home, of course, there must be one in my hometown.
Usually, if you have a fixed salary, you have to spend part of it to buy nutrition for your children and set aside part to buy some clothes. Under normal circumstances, this alone has put a lot of pressure on people who work, not to mention taking out some money to repay the loan. Do you think there will be no pressure if you live like this for a year, two years or decades? I feel that working alone in a big city is not enough. It takes both husband and wife to work to earn money, so that it is possible to pay off the mortgage, raise the children and send them to a good school. Really, life is not easy now.
When you have enough money, you can use it to buy a house that you can afford. Isn't that great? My life pressure is also much less. In the meantime, if something goes wrong and money is badly needed, isn't it convenient to pay for it yourself? Most people, property buyers have become house slaves, which is actually predictable, because when you are not able to spend, you will put a lot of pressure on yourself invisibly. Generally speaking, I don't support the loan to buy a house, because this way is really too risky and will put a lot of pressure on myself.