Famous sayings about discipline

1, discipline can beautify the collective.

2, execution does not talk about if, only about the results.

3. Discipline is the foundation of victory.

4. Opportunity has no discipline.

5, strengthen discipline, enterprise invincible.

6. Discipline is a form of managing relationships.

7. The execution of an enterprise depends on discipline.

8. Work is to do it without making any excuses.

9. The exception just proves the rationality of the provision.

10, discipline is the first condition of freedom.

1 1. A school without discipline is like a mill without water.

12, it is difficult to succeed without discipline.

13, a school without discipline is like a mill without water.

14. Only when everyone is equal before the system can fairness be guaranteed.

15, soldiers should obey first.

16, everything is inseparable from methods, and the world is inseparable from order.

17. A ship that is not dominated by the steering wheel is destined to be dominated by rocks.